Monday, February 16, 2009

Everything That's Wrong With The World, Through The Eyes of The Soup

I am a huge fan of the Soup. Besides for its inherent entertainment value, it also serves to highlight everything that is wrong with this world. And since my taste in TV shows tends to run more mainstream, watching the Soup is the only way I'd be able to appreciate just how messed up society has become.

As I've stated earlier, I'm a big fan of the concept of free will. In this democratic country that we live in, (or most of us anyway, because face it, the US is the center of the world) we have full control over the remote with the freedom to change the channel at will. I fully understand that no one is forcing me to watch these shows, as evidenced by the fact that I don't. But my mind objects to the mere thought of such shows even existing. Just the fact that it crossed someone's mind to create shows like this, and to think other people would enjoy watching it... kind've makes me think we deserve to be conquered and annhilated by invading aliens.

Bottom line, I think Paris Hilton's new bff should be Tila Tequila and when they get sick of each other, they can do a wife swap with the Bachelor and his current significant other. They can all fight over taking America's Next Top Dog to the salon to be tended to by the Groomer who Has It. And then when we get bored of that, we can turn back to Rock of Love and do it all over again. And then Flavor of Love and do it all over again. And then the Bachelorette and do it all over again. Oh, and then Tila Tequila should give America's Next Top Dog a Shot at Love...


Anonymous said...

You know, some people would say that the shows you do enjoy are mindless drivel. Your mind "objects" to these shows even existing? Isn't that a contradiction to being a huge fan of free will? Sadly, most of the populace are not as educated and cultured as, say, you and I. They've never been to MOMA or the Met and their idea of a good time is to get drunk at a sleazy bar and hope they didn't contract any diseases. THIS is what America has become, an Epicurian drudge pot of decadence. However, these reality shows seem to please the people. Hence, your objection is a much deeper one, one that would imply you wish to reform society as we know it. I wish you the best of luck in this, but seeing as how you're not the first to try, I suggest just changing the channel.

Randomizing Sequencer said...

True. But once the slow rotting of American minds has made me all the more intelligent and capable by comparison, I will take over and force my reforms on the people. Case in point, 'Idiocracy.'

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